Belated happy new year!

I had three whole weeks off work, and did a lot of relaxing at home over the break. I also made a full recovery from a few hangovers, spent time with friends, made lots of food and gained 4 tiny little foster kittens (video coming soon, they're adorable).

Celebrating a new year feels like an odd thing to do. The same goes with making resolutions. Nothing really changes, unless you want it to. I've never done resolutions at the turn of the year, but I do often make myself lists of things I want to achieve.

This year was different, because my last list just ran dry.

Make plans not resolutions

If you do any amount of research about making new year resolutions you'll find, unsurprisingly, that the majority of them fail.

There's nothing wrong with using a new year to be optimistic about the future or to undertake self-improvement projects, but unless a list of resolutions has a real plan of action, it's like setting yourself up for failure.

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